Last week, FEA (UNICAMP) hosted the II International Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging, chaired by Prof. Dr. Douglas Barbin (FEA), comprehending a minicourse and many talks among applications in the food, agricultural, environmental and health areas.
MICLab was there, represented by Prof. Leticia Rittner (FEEC), sharing the work that has been developed on low-cost device for multispectral image acquisition. Other UNICAMP research groups were also there: Prof. Gleyce Figueiredo (FEAGRI), Dr. Hery Mitsutake (IB) and Cristiane Vidal (IQ and INCTAA).
The workshop also had international invited speakers: Dr. José Manuel Amigo Rubio, Federico Marini, Sylvio Barbon Junior, Juan Antonio Fernandez Pierna, Francisco J. Rodríguez Pulido, PhD, and Jose Blasco, sharing a their knowledge in #chemometrics and #hyperspectralimaging processing & applications.