The work entitled “Automatic Corpus Callosum segmentation and parcellation in DTI: a tool for visualization and comparison of results from different methods“ won the award for best paper in the Master degree category at the 7th edition of the BRAINN Congress. Authors: Thais Caldeira; William Herrera; Aline Lapa; Prof. Simone Appenzeller and Prof. Leticia Rittner. Thais will be presenting this software at the Live Demonstrations Workshop at SPIE Medical Imaging 2021 (check program here), that will take place “virtually” in February. The software, called inCCsight, is open-source and available for download at GitHub Another work from our group received the award for best poster in the Doctorate degree category. The poster entitled “Simulating motion corrupted MRI data to facilitate Deep Learning training” is a result of Irene Fantini’s PhD, in collaboraton with Prof. Clarissa Yasuda, Prof. Leticia Rittner and Prof. Roberto Lotufo.