Our lab students Diedre Carmo and Wesna Araujo attended the conference in Antigua, Guatemala, to present our work. The papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Our group had three papers accepted and presented at the 2024 edition of the International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM), in Antigua, Guatemala:
- “Assessing MedSAM’s Generalization to White Matter Hyperintensities in Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. Joany Rodrigues, Diedre Santos, and Leticia Rittner.
- “Enhancing fMRS Data Quality and GABA Quantification Using SpectroViT: A Deep Learning Reconstruction Approach”. Wesna Araujo, Ricardo Landim, Thiago Costa, Elvis Silva, Gabriela Castellano and Leticia Rittner.
- “Training a ViT model on shape signatures for quality control of MRI corpus callosum segmentations”. Suellen Silva and Leticia Rittner.
Our lab students, Diedre Carmo and Wesna Araujo, had the opportunity to attend the conference and present their work.