Our group had two papers accepted on the 14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR17):
- “Probabilistic Segmentation of Brain White Matter Lesions using Texture-based Classification”. Mariana Bento, Yan Sym, Richard Frayne, Roberto Lotufo, Leticia Rittner
- “Transfer Learning Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Anti-Spoofing”. Oeslle Lucena, Amadeu Junior, Vitor Moia, Roberto Souza, Eduardo Valle, and Roberto Lotufo
We also had an abstract accepted on the Our group had papers accepted on the 2017 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting (OHBM17):
- “White Matter Lesion Segmentation using Texture-based Classification on MR imaging”. Mariana Bento, Simone Appenzeller, Richard Frayne, Roberto Lotufo and Leticia Rittner
Members of our lab are travelling to these conferences to present our work.