A new approach for longitudinal study of white matter lesion based on texture variation
XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica, p. 963-966, 2016
Lesions within the white matter brain are often observed on neurology and psychiatric patients, on both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. The analysis of those lesions is a non-trivial task due to its variation on shape, location and severity. In order to help specialists to accomplish the correct diagnosis and follow-up, there are several computer-assisted tools that aim to automatically detect/segment these lesions, and to quantitatively evaluate the lesion progression over time. However, none of these tools characterize these lesions, or study its variation over time. This paper proposes a different approach to perform longitudinal study of white matter lesions that evaluate the variation of lesioned tissues over time through textural statistics, such as mean intensity and uniformity. This approach makes possible not only the quantitative longitudinal evaluation of lesions size, but also the analysis of their variation and etiology over time.
Full paper here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B543adcG1FClQ21ZaFhCUmdwMlk
Publication Info
- Category: Brain | MRI | Pattern recognition | White matter | 
- Authors: Leite, M., Lapa, A., Appenzeller, S., Lotufo, R. and Rittner, L.
- How to cite: Leite, M., Lapa, A., Appenzeller, S., Lotufo, R. and Rittner, L. "A new approach for longitudinal study of white matter lesion based on texture variation". Proceedings of XXV Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering, 2016.
- Published: 2016