Automatic MR image quality evaluation using a Deep CNN: A reference-free method to rate motion artifacts in neuroimaging Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Volume 90, Issue 1, June 2021,...
Hippocampus segmentation on epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease studies with multiple convolutional neural networks Heliyon, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2021, e06226 Background: Hippocampus segmentation on magnetic resonance imaging is of...
A framework for quality control of corpus callosum segmentation in large-scale studies Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 334, 15 March 2020, 108593 The corpus callosum (CC) is the largest...
Extended 2D Consensus Hippocampus Segmentation Medical Imaging with Deep Learning 2019 Hippocampus segmentation plays a key role in diagnosing various brain disorders. Nowadays, segmentation is a manual, time consuming...
An open, multi-vendor, multi-field-strength brain MR dataset and analysis of publicly available skull stripping methods agreement Neuroimage, Apr 15, 2018 ;170:482-494 This paper presents an open, multi-vendor, multi-field strength...
A new approach for longitudinal study of white matter lesion based on texture variation XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica, p. 963-966, 2016 Lesions within the white matter brain...
Reduction of Cerebral and Corpus Callosum Volumes in Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Volume 68, Issue 9, September 2016. Pages 2193-2199 There have been few studies in...
Etiology-based classification of brain white matter hyperintensity on magnetic resonance imaging Journal of Medical Imaging, 2015 Brain white matter lesions found upon magnetic resonance imaging are often observed in...